
Your Rebellion Is in Your Art

By Wes Annac, Openhearted Rebellion

Good things don’t just happen; you must work for them.

I’ve been learning this the hard way. I’ve had many things go wrong in my life, and they’ve given me plenty of reasons to give up. But with every bad thing that’s happened, I’ve been reminded of how important hard work and gratitude really are.

All the art we love is brought to us by dedicated creatives who are on the grind. Every day, they follow their muse and work to bring what is in their heart into physical form. You can inspire people in a similar way, but it will require a wholehearted commitment to your creative passion.  

Life will throw out roadblocks as you try to follow your heart. You might often feel like your work is all for nothing or like you’re foolish for trying to do something different. You might have to take some day jobs to supplement income your passion doesn’t yet provide. But if your art is truly a part of who you are, then you’ll find the time and energy to commit to it – no matter how busy life keeps you.

Ideally, we could devote one hundred percent of our time and energy to the things we love. We could spend infinite amounts of time with our loved ones and still find that drive to create. Nothing about living on this planet is easy, though, and sometimes, we must compromise. It doesn’t mean our dreams are out of our reach – simply that we must adapt.

I could list countless examples of times I’ve had to put my content on hold to deal with problems in my home or with my car. Each time, I’ve been faced with the choice to give up on all this and start thinking practically. And each time, I’ve grown stronger from the challenges life put in front of me.

I love to make content around fitness, video games and philosophical ideas. I’ve always felt there is more to life than meets the eye, and I’ve always been interested in other states of consciousness. The practical world has always pushed against me, and if you’re reading this, then I suspect it has done the same to you. Please don’t let it stop you. Please keep creating and being open to the notion that life can – and should – be so much better than this.

We need creative folks who are open-minded, openhearted and willing to endure hardship in the name of a better world. We need folks who are willing to reject the current social order and push for change. We need artists, because the people at the top would rather us be useless eaters who only work to make them richer.

You don’t have to settle for a life that fails to ignite your inner fire. Nor do you have to stop advocating for a better way of living, for you and everyone else. Together, we can create something better. But that can only happen if we keep making things we love.

The world won’t change without people who are wholly committed to a new paradigm driven by compassion, creativity and self-awareness. We must be as committed to changing anything toxic in ourselves as we are to subverting the expectations of society. Most importantly, we must commit to showing the way for those who are lost in the darkness and stuck with the assumption that things will never change.

It’s understandable to be mad as hell at the state of the world. So, the question must be asked: what will we do about it? My answer is to rebel. Rebel against injustice. Rebel against hate. Rebel against the depressing bleakness of a world of laborers devoid of art or intuitive inspiration. The rebellion is in the work, and in the way we treat all who cross our path.

So, keep working and keep your inspiration alive. You are making a much bigger difference than you know.   

Featured image by Alexandr Ivanov from Pixabay

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