Mariara the Pleiadian on the Cannabis/Hemp Issue

Mariara the Pleiadian (speaking for the Galactic Federation) on the Galactic Federation’s stance on cannabis and hemp

Here is what many of YOU have had to say on this issue 🙂 :

T.H.A.N.K. Y.O.U. Mariara and Wes, there are so many uses for Hemp It is a brilliant plant all the way around. Friends, try Goggle searching and see!! Look at the beautiful clothing and paper! Yes paper! Look at the potential for Bio-fuel! What about the oil it produces? You can eat it too. I could go on and on. It is completely sustainable and LOL! It grows like a weed! A beautiful, balanced and life affirming weed! I am so pleased this is coming up for review as I want everyone to know how this gift from Mother Earth will continue giving. We must all be aware of the spiritual potential, medicinal value AND diverse practical usage these specimens of Gaias’ garden, IN TRUTH, present. ♡ Peace ♡ –Autum

i know the energy , i know the high, when in contact meditation with other light worker, its a high that is so good that yes you can forget the PUFF, since that is only a temporary state of high, the higher state of consciousness is really pure energy it feels good, comfortable and emphases more on thinking complex calculations, its like a adrenaline rush always in continuous cycle day night all the time , so i am one who chose to quit, and understood that the higher me like the pure me , the lower me like the lower high since i have lost my lower me or looked at it and accepted it as it is , the past . So i fully embrace the telepathic link we have and accepted the higher me now im in full energetic trance in awaken state as i roam the earth on my human form, the more happy and joyful the more miracles appear and its not even hallucination, i can capture with my camera what happends…
Blessed Be xxx Divine Teachers –Steven

I enjoyed this piece as well in response to Greg Giles original posting; however, I still don’t resonate with rules. Spirit tells me there are no rules, love and compassion are the only “rules” if you want to call it that. Now as far as mind-altering substances that would create issues using technology while working with the GFL, well let me share something here. Cannabis doesn’t alter your ability to work with technology. I drive my car even better and those who know cannabis, those who are medicinal patients such as myself understand this. Those who purchase their cannabis off the streets, well I don’t know what might be in it, but Cannabis has never altered my mind to do anything whether it is to write, which I do a lot of writing after using my medicine, I drive on it, I can work on it, I can do anything on Cannabis. So having said this, maybe others can’t and that is something to address within ourselves as to what is “mind-altering” and what is not.

For me, there are no rules with my galactic brothers and sisters. Whether they are of the GFL, I don’t know, I don’t like titles or labels. Even the word lightworker is difficult for me at times because we are all one, we are all here to ultimately ascend. When we ascend, we won’t need anything from this Earth unless we choose too. We are heading into the new that hasn’t been predicted before and thus why there is delay after delay in moving forward. These delays are because the future cannot be predicted, it is based on where we are individually and collectively right in this moment. Again, I do not feel any rules of engagement with my Galactic brothers and sisters in this moment.

I also would like to remind everyone here that a crop circle was reported last year that showed a pic of one of our galactic brethren smoking a pipe…it was intricate and it was perfect. I also read an article by Ben Fulford where he said that the military referred to our galactic brothers and sisters as “those a$$hole Hippies from Space”…what does that mean? Does our galactic brothers and sisters have their own form of cannabis that doesn’t require smoking? It’s a thought…Cannabis is God’s Miracle Plant, do not allow anyone to demonize any of the plant kingdoms, even tobacco has been mistreated, abused, and brought down to a lower density…use natural products especially while we are still in the 3rd and 4th dimensions…open our hearts and listen to Spirit within, there is where ALL the answers reside.

Thank you Wes for your first response and this follow-up. I appreciate this and you have a new fan now! :-) Much Love to you. –Cheryl

I can’t see that there could be any desire for mind expanding drugs once one is permanently in God consciousness. I mean God is the source of all highs.

But the image of Acended Masters passing a spliff and zooming about in space did make me chuckle.

I have heard of Masters saying that when they land we can have have a drink together. Also when the playright Samuel Becket died I had the thought that he had been pretending to be an atheist to mirror the spirit of the age. I immediately saw him in the higher realm having a drink with other masters and they were laughing at the joke he pulled ( on himself too in that life)

I know the stuff in those glasses was not tea! Maybe it was symbolic… –Medium Rachel Mai

When I was a child, my mother tried to teach me to read from a book, and was having absolutely no success. To me the book was intimidating, large and endless, had too many big words, and made me feel stupid. Then she got thee brilliant idea to use a comic book instead, with pictures and some excitement to bring the words to life. Three days later I could read. I don’t read them anymore, but I also don’t downplay their usefulness as literary devices for those first starting out. Pot serves a similar role for many people, acting as a gateway to better and higher states of mind, and it does it in a relatively harmless way…mushrooms, peote and other natural means do the same thing, but may be too severe a shock if it were the first thing one were to try.

As an engineer, I have long appreciated the industrial properties of the plant, and do not wish to hand the Illuminati a victory on this front on a silver platter, by allowing them to demonize the psychedelic aspects, whilst simultaneously profiting from them, all along using this ruse to obfusticate the beneficial practical side of this great plant. Although I am at times a moderate user, I will never swear off it entirely, simply because then the issue will end up on the back burner, and I prefer it remain a thorn in the side of the corrupt industrialist and politician. This principled stance has caused me endless grief with my family, even during my dry spells, merely because I believe in this plant to one day revolutionize our technologies into more earth friendly ones. A hemp based society could eliminate virtually every dangerous industrial practice, and put us on a path to complete sustainability in our economic cycles.

These points brought forth in this post today by Mariara should have prefaced any statement as to the policy of the GFL with respect to its use while in their service. Nobody expects to do sensitive work whilst impaired in even the slightest way, even if abstaining is just taken as a precaution, but to assume we are too immature to realize we can’t take a stash aboard a mothership seemed to me to be somewhat insulting to those that have maintained a positive and healthy relationship to this plant over many, many years. –Pegalys

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

After much reluctance, I have decided to go ahead and ask Mariara about this whole cannabis/hemp/mind altering substances issue. This is the resulting message. Much Love 🙂

I come before you all because Wesley has brought up an interesting perspective on the subject of cannabis and the hemp plant. He is having trouble establishing a full connection in this very moment, because he is holding within himself fears that his own ego will distort this message of mine to fit in with what he believes about this herb and plant. What he does not quite realize is that I may not be giving the answers he expects me to give. The first aspect of this discussion that should be addressed is of course, the hemp plant as a whole. Forget for a moment about the herbs which grow on this plant, and focus on the plant itself from an industrial point of view.

This one plant possesses many more benefits than many souls on your world wish to accept. The United States is the country which is most against the growing of hemp, because there are many souls who are profiting from the less-healthy but more profitable means to make so very many things that can be made for much cheaper by the hemp plant. This is the main reason that hemp and marijuana itself has been made illegal and in many cases demonized. The dark on your world knew that if they could start a moral revolution against the marijuana itself, than they could lump hemp in with it and call it another drug, while having the entire hemp plant outlawed because of the intoxicating marijuana that grows on it.

Many on your world assume that the demonization of marijuana was for the purposes of keeping people from smoking it, which has never been true. If the dark on your world wished to totally eradicate marijuana, than they would not be selling it illegally and making billions of dollars as marijuana is a big industry. It has always for them been about the hemp, and eradicating the entire plant as a whole and eventually, they hoped that in a few generations time the benefits of the hemp plant or even the fact that it could be used for other things besides harvesting marijuana; they hoped that this would be completely forgotten.

Notice dear souls, how you do not hear much discussion of hemp in your media. You see plenty of discussion of marijuana, at times presented in a favorable light and at times presented in a less than favorable light. They wish for you to forget completely about the hemp plant as a whole, and focus all of your attention and energy on marijuana, while they control the disbursement of marijuana that they themselves have branded illegal. They are able to grow it in very dense conditions that serve to dim the purity, the level of Source energy coming through the plant to be experienced by the user, and it is grown only to stimulate simple party-related amusements rather than help one find a higher state of consciousness through its use.

This has been the primary reason for the targeting of medicinal cannabis dispensaries and other cannabis-related yet completely legal operations. They will act as if the raiding of these places is for moral reasons, when they are really just using their manpower to wipe out the competition, competition that is growing cannabis that will support a higher state of consciousness as well as offer enormous healing benefits, which of course they cannot stand for. Now, the biggest question which has been raised by Wesley and many others, is the Galactic Federation’s ‘stance’ on marijuana and the use of other mind altering substances.

Use of cannabis and other mind altering substances will not be necessary when working with us and inhabiting higher states of consciousness. The ‘ground rules’ which have been laid out through other sources are indeed our ground rules, but each and every rule and what can be seen as a ‘requirement’ is taken as a given when already inhabiting higher states of consciousness. One may see the rule, ‘no member of the Galactic Federation shall use mind altering substances’ and instead of seeing negativity or forbidden natures in those words, perhaps try to see it from the perspective of one who is already inhabiting much higher states of consciousness than what any mind altering substance on Earth can bring, cannabis included.

One already inhabiting such states of consciousness may see such rules and say with a smile, ‘just as well, I don’t need those things! I feel a hundred times better than what any earthly ‘mind altering substance’ can bring me anyway!’ We do understand that some may not yet be able to fathom such a perspective, but when feeling the higher energies of Joy, of Love and everlasting Peace that never go away, and in fact grow stronger and more pure when focused on, one could see that every moment of Living, of being and existing is so very much more pleasurable, so very much more wonderful than any feeling to ever be obtained by using any type of earthly outside source, even if the source is an herb from one of the most beneficial plants in your planets history.

Depending on the type and purity of the cannabis used, this herb is used to take those operating from a solid third dimensional perspective, and give them the experience of operating on other, sometimes more pure and sometimes less pure, astral realms of your planet Earth. This herb offers you the chance to experience a reality unlike the one you have kept your minds and hearts so set in, though if one is indulging in the cannabis grown in very dense conditions, they are likely to be taken to lower astral places, with which entities will attach themselves to these souls and feed off of their energy every time they wish for a ‘high’.

Other sources have said as well, that when one is kept smoking cannabis that is grown in dense circumstances to support the stimulating of amusements, a ‘high’ for the soul indulging also becomes a bit of a high, an usurping of the users energies by and for lower astral beings. Of course this is not guaranteed to happen just because one uses cannabis, and in fact in your fifties and sixties there was no such thing as cannabis that could deliver one to lower astral realms; as the majority of cannabis in that time was home grown and grown in very pure conditions.

So no dear souls, cannabis use will not be necessary or necessarily allowed when working with the Galactic Federation. This is not for any reasons of discrimination, or for any reasons of wishing to keep the known value of cannabis and the hemp plant under wraps, as we have just explained to you that the hemp plant as a whole does indeed possess much value for your planet. It is simply that such acts will be out of resonance with our energies and the energies of the various starships and motherships with which we will all be operating on. When you are feeling our energies and the energies of these aforementioned ships, believe us dear souls you will never want a ‘puff’ of cannabis again, as you will be feeling so very much better than anything that that admittedly useful [to third dimensional society] plant can offer.

We hope that we have been able to clear some things up and mend some confusions about this subject, with this communication. Again, the ‘musts’ that are required for working with the Galactic Federation in much more direct ways than many of you are now, are taken as more of a given than a restriction. It is simply that our energies do not resonate with such acts! It does not reduce our Love for you dear souls who use cannabis to find enlightenment, and we know that each and every one of you who are looking forward to working with us much more directly in the future, will gladly give up the energies of cannabis and other mind altering substances to work with us and feel in their full purity the energies of the Divine; the energies of everlasting Love, Peace and Joy which are shared through all harmoniously.

Thank you to Mariara.


  1. Excellent, Mariara! When Greg Giles first posted about the Federation not allowing one to use it when working with their group, they were speaking directly to him for they indicate he will come to work on their ships. They did not condemn those who were using mind-altering drugs, just that it would not be allowed on their ships since the operation is organic and one must be in top mental condition to operate them. Just like the airlines do not want their flight crew to be on drugs or alcohol. If you are planning to become a crew member of the Federation, then that is their requirement. I experimented with cannabis a few times in my youth but never found it did anything for me, but I have enjoyed alcohol most of my life. With ascension I know I will not miss it due to the state of joy and bliss from being released from the duality of 3rd dimension Earth. In the past 6 months I have awakened to the fact that I have gone through ascension before in a far part of the universe and only came to Earth to answer the call for help and went through incarnation to experience this great phenomenon and transmit all the information back to our part of the universe. Wow–never admitted that to anybody! Anyway, it is all good and I especially enjoyed this post.
    Much love,


  2. …Good Post,Wes…This Time You,Boggled MY Mind!…L0L!…i Know it’s About “Riding the Cosmic Wave of Bliss”…Ya Kinda “Cleared Up” the Issue of Partaking and the Dim,Dense and Light Forms,Available…The Real Nagging Issue that i Have is the Repetitive Use of “Near Future”,”Soon”,etc by Those From the Higher Realms…For Them,is 2050 the “Near Future”?!?…I Know.I know,this is a Well Travelled “Rant” on the Concept of Time…In the MeanTime, i Surrender to Live Day-2-Day,Continue to BeCome Aware of My Energy “Issues”, ChainSmoke Cigarettes, Anchor and Breathe…. 😉


    • “Near future” and “soon” in my understanding could mean a long time, because the higher dimensions do not have time in the way that we do and 30 years is something like a nanosecond to these folk. However, the timing of this is not up to them – as usual, we must turn this around to ourselves and take responsibility for OUR part in this (all of us). This will happen in the timing that serves the highest interests of all, and it is Mother Earth who will make the call when she assesses humanity has reached the optimal conditions for success.

      So we must each raise ourselves up by tackling our shadow aspects and raising our individual vibrations. When we have done this, then we need to assist as many as possible of our brothers and sisters to do the same. At a certain point, we’ll reach critical mass (which isn’t 100% or anything) and then it will be on!

      My estimate will be that we should see some serious change by at least 2025 – we are in the 1 year of this next 9 year cycle and I suspect this cycle is an important one, because even I received a sign at the beginning of this year. So I don’t think it’s all as far away as 2050, but it is likely to be a “process” rather than an “event” as such, IMO.

      This article perfectly reflected my own feelings about these plants and I have always suspected that those that smoke them won’t want to once they have raised themselves high enough. It was also good to see what I also expected – that those that do choose to partake will not be judged for doing so – which is as you would expect in a “free will” zone.


  3. T.H.A.N.K. Y.O.U. Mariara and Wes, there are so many uses for Hemp It is a brilliant plant all the way around. Friends, try Goggle searching and see!! Look at the beautiful clothing and paper! Yes paper! Look at the potential for Bio-fuel! What about the oil it produces? You can eat it too. I could go on and on. It is completely sustainable and LOL! It grows like a weed! A beautiful, balanced and life affirming weed! I am so pleased this is coming up for review as I want everyone to know how this gift from Mother Earth will continue giving. We must all be aware of the spiritual potential, medicinal value AND diverse practical usage these specimens of Gaias’ garden, IN TRUTH, present. ♡ Peace ♡


  4. i know the energy , i know the high, when in contact meditation with other light worker, its a high that is so good that yes you can forget the PUFF, since that is only a temporary state of high, the higher state of consciousness is really pure energy it feels good, comfortable and emphases more on thinking complex calculations, its like a adrenaline rush always in continuous cycle day night all the time , so i am one who chose to quit, and understood that the higher me like the pure me , the lower me like the lower high since i have lost my lower me or looked at it and accepted it as it is , the past . So i fully embrace the telepathic link we have and accepted the higher me now im in full energetic trance in awaken state as i roam the earth on my human form, the more happy and joyful the more miracles appear and its not even hallucination, i can capture with my camera what happends…
    Blessed Be xxx Divine Teachers

    Light Worker
    Son of Gods Divine Family

    Steven Jenkins


  5. I can’t see that there could be any desire for mind expanding drugs once one is permanently in God consciousness. I mean God is the source of all highs.

    But the image of Acended Masters passing a spliff and zooming about in space did make me chuckle.

    I have heard of Masters saying that when they land we can have have a drink together. Also when the playright Samuel Becket died I had the thought that he had been pretending to be an atheist to mirror the spirit of the age. I immediately saw him in the higher realm having a drink with other masters and they were laughing at the joke he pulled ( on himself too in that life)

    I know the stuff in those glasses was not tea! Maybe it was symbolic…


  6. Advice, Guidance and and opinions please.

    Originally from Australia, I learnt culture, I became an entertainer, I found myself amoungst a group of beautifull people, I travelled to Sweden; within the first week I had a dream where I was on a fast horse….Jumped over a cliff and saw Earth…I was falling..falling and woke up.

    To cut a long story short…This 8 month tour turned into 10yrs with 2 children 🙂
    I knew throughout this time i was meant to be here for more than entertaining as I met more and more healers…and talented entertainers in many culture festivals….and many more.

    Whilst my years in Sweden I, on occasion enjoyed using cannibus also, when it was 1 night with children and partner asleep…i felt a little pressure of being homesick….as I had put my home aside for family value and to live there in Sweden…for my children.

    I had a few ‘Puffs’…

    It was this night as I sat back and settled into my couch thinking of where I am in my life,,, who what and where am I going…. i closed my eyes……I experienced myself meditating falling into a stillness of peace….and looking around to find myself in the realms of space.
    I will never forget this…..

    I just need to find the origins of my first dream upon my first week in Sweden….
    On this Horse……riding as fast as the wind..on a mission…..leaping over…falling…watching Earth come to me so quickly…..i was not afraid at all.

    I have alway belived I was safe and looked after..ALWAYS in my life….even as a young fella 🙂
    THANK YOU for this ancestor, thank you…..
    I am aware, am awake….but i am still a little lost.

    I wonder of the one on the Horse?
    (I am Aquarian)


  7. Thank you Wes for the message (and Mariara of course), as usual there is so much resonance to what I believed before reading it.


  8. Oh Wes, Thank you so much..!!! But uhm, once again I cannot find the answers I need – or do I just not want to see them..? Well, as I really need to clear this cannabis issue for me, I would so much appreciate writing with you!! I believe we can help earth other! So could you just send me an Email for me having your address as I lost it somehow and cannot find anymore


  9. Oh Wes, Thank you so much..!!! But uhm, once again I cannot find the answers I need – or do I just not want to see them..? Well, as I really need to clear this cannabis issue for me, I would so much appreciate writing with you!! I believe we can help earth other! So could you just send me an Email for me having your address as I lost it somehow and cannot find anymore? Would be too great. :))) Lots of Love!


  10. That is simple, as long humans won´t be living the ilusion of 3D they won´t need anything to take them away from this trap dimension, so nobody will have the need to get high because we will be already high, that is what they meant, not that it is or will be forbidden. We will leave everything behind, including joints, to enter this new vibration, we won´t even miss anything here which do not resonate with the high dimension. I guess we will be high all the time, really at home !!!!!!!!!!! God Bless us


  11. I enjoyed this piece as well in response to Greg Giles original posting; however, I still don’t resonate with rules. Spirit tells me there are no rules, love and compassion are the only “rules” if you want to call it that. Now as far as mind-altering substances that would create issues using technology while working with the GFL, well let me share something here. Cannabis doesn’t alter your ability to work with technology. I drive my car even better and those who know cannabis, those who are medicinal patients such as myself understand this. Those who purchase their cannabis off the streets, well I don’t know what might be in it, but Cannabis has never altered my mind to do anything whether it is to write, which I do a lot of writing after using my medicine, I drive on it, I can work on it, I can do anything on Cannabis. So having said this, maybe others can’t and that is something to address within ourselves as to what is “mind-altering” and what is not.

    For me, there are no rules with my galactic brothers and sisters. Whether they are of the GFL, I don’t know, I don’t like titles or labels. Even the word lightworker is difficult for me at times because we are all one, we are all here to ultimately ascend. When we ascend, we won’t need anything from this Earth unless we choose too. We are heading into the new that hasn’t been predicted before and thus why there is delay after delay in moving forward. These delays are because the future cannot be predicted, it is based on where we are individually and collectively right in this moment. Again, I do not feel any rules of engagement with my Galactic brothers and sisters in this moment.

    I also would like to remind everyone here that a crop circle was reported last year that showed a pic of one of our galactic brethren smoking a pipe…it was intricate and it was perfect. I also read an article by Ben Fulford where he said that the military referred to our galactic brothers and sisters as “those a$$hole Hippies from Space”…what does that mean? Does our galactic brothers and sisters have their own form of cannabis that doesn’t require smoking? It’s a thought…Cannabis is God’s Miracle Plant, do not allow anyone to demonize any of the plant kingdoms, even tobacco has been mistreated, abused, and brought down to a lower density…use natural products especially while we are still in the 3rd and 4th dimensions…open our hearts and listen to Spirit within, there is where ALL the answers reside.

    Thank you Wes for your first response and this follow-up. I appreciate this and you have a new fan now! 🙂 Much Love to you.


  12. When I was a child, my mother tried to teach me to read from a book, and was having absolutely no success. To me the book was intimidating, large and endless, had too many big words, and made me feel stupid. Then she got thee brilliant idea to use a comic book instead, with pictures and some excitement to bring the words to life. Three days later I could read. I don’t read them anymore, but I also don’t downplay their usefulness as literary devices for those first starting out. Pot serves a similar role for many people, acting as a gateway to better and higher states of mind, and it does it in a relatively harmless way…mushrooms, peote and other natural means do the same thing, but may be too severe a shock if it were the first thing one were to try.

    As an engineer, I have long appreciated the industrial properties of the plant, and do not wish to hand the Illuminati a victory on this front on a silver platter, by allowing them to demonize the psychedelic aspects, whilst simultaneously profiting from them, all along using this ruse to obfusticate the beneficial practical side of this great plant. Although I am at times a moderate user, I will never swear off it entirely, simply because then the issue will end up on the back burner, and I prefer it remain a thorn in the side of the corrupt industrialist and politician. This principled stance has caused me endless grief with my family, even during my dry spells, merely because I believe in this plant to one day revolutionize our technologies into more earth friendly ones. A hemp based society could eliminate virtually every dangerous industrial practice, and put us on a path to complete sustainability in our economic cycles.

    These points brought forth in this post today by Mariara should have prefaced any statement as to the policy of the GFL with respect to its use while in their service. Nobody expects to do sensitive work whilst impaired in even the slightest way, even if abstaining is just taken as a precaution, but to assume we are too immature to realize we can’t take a stash aboard a mothership seemed to me to be somewhat insulting to those that have maintained a positive and healthy relationship to this plant over many, many years.


  13. It’s good thing Wes that you decided to discuss the cannabis matter with Mariara. I think it helped to clear the image of what GFL meant through Greg. Thank you Wes abd Mariara for your beautiful message! Blessings!


  14. Don’t know if it’s my age (67) or a reflection of the work I’ve done to
    raise my consciousness (non-drug assisted!), but I now find partaking
    herb is a bring down, makes me feel separate from those around me.
    Very contrary to feeling high from being in a state of feeling “One’ with all.
    No judgement….just not much use any more.
    Will I am


  15. Hello Anna, I would be glad to email you or have you email me at so hopefully we can help clear up some confusions 🙂

    I have posted many comments on an updated version of this message, as a way to let YOUR voices be heard alongside mine and Mariara’s.

    Am really Loving all of this discussion and insight!! 🙂

    Much Love everybody 🙂


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