
Go Easy on Yourself

By Wes Annac, Openhearted Rebellion

To engage in openhearted rebellion means treating people with kindness and empathy, with the understanding that we are all in this together.

The idea is to live for and encourage love, compassion, and basic human decency as an effective rebellion against the horrific things hate is responsible for. This compassion extends to everyone regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or anything we have thoughtlessly let divide us.

We all share this struggle to be human and survive in an increasingly insane world. This would be a much better place to live if instead of hating each other over our trivial differences, we worked together to improve this world for everybody – not least of all those who are continually forced to fight for their rights and their lives.

Thankfully, I’m not the only one who thinks this way.

In writing about this kind of rebellion, I don’t want to come across as if I have it all figured out or have become a perfect example of a compassionate person. I don’t, and I haven’t. I believe living from the heart is possible and is the best way to defeat hate, but it has taken work to make this a real part of my life.

It’s not easy, and I fail often. I keep going because especially now, I think the world needs any extra kindness we can give.

I’ve learned that it’s perfectly normal to make mistakes and wish you’d done better in some situations. I can think of plenty of times I failed to show compassion or be present for someone when they needed me. I choose not to beat myself up over it, but instead to remember that the world is a school and I’m here to learn.

It is important to learn from your mistakes, but also to remember that you are human. You’re going to mess up. If you’re trying to be better, which most of us are, then there is no real reason to agonize over what you’ve done wrong in your life.

The school of life is all about learning and improving. If you’re not making mistakes and learning new things, you’re probably not doing anything meaningful.

I learned early on that even if you believe in kindness and compassion, they don’t manifest overnight. They are muscles that take time and work to develop. Go easy on yourself when you stumble, even if you stumble often. In the long run, you’ll do so many more positive things if you stick with your principles.

As much as it is meant to help other people, this rebellion should also help you to be at peace with yourself. It’s good to be humble, but if you beat yourself up over past or present mistakes, you’ll live a miserable existence and struggle to be there for anyone who needs you now.

Let go of any toxic self-talk and forgive yourself for all those times you were less than compassionate. You may cringe thinking about them, but it’s best to move on and live in the present. Here and now, you can build a better life and add some color to a world that is presently enveloped in devastation and grief.

We can change the world with a simple effort to be kinder and more human. If done on a larger scale, I honestly think this could spread (no virus pun intended) and maybe one day become the norm. None of us have mastered this path yet, so relax; you’re doing fine.


Featured image by Jan Alexander from Pixabay

About Wes Annac:

I’m a twenty-something writer & blogger with an interest in spirituality, love, awareness, activism, and other crazy stuff. I run Openhearted Rebellion – a blog dedicated to sharing wisdom and encouraging a revolution that begins in the heart.

I also run Canna Words – a blog in which I share some of my research and opinions on cannabis. There, I write about everything from legalization to hemp and the various ways people use the cannabis plant.

I’ve contributed to a few awesome websites that include Waking Times, Wake Up World, Golden Age of Gaia, and The Master Shift. I can be found on Facebook (facebook.com/wesannac, facebook.com/cultureofawareness) and Twitter (twitter.com/Wes_Annac, https://twitter.com/love rebellion)

If you enjoyed this post and want to support my work, consider donating via PayPal to wesremal@yahoo.com.

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